Columbia, MS Real Estate Lawyer

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Columbia, MS Real Estate Attorney

Real estate law covers the legal ownership of property and the rights that it gives the owner. Mississippi has numerous laws about real estate, and it can be difficult for a layperson to navigate all the specific cases in the law. A Columbia, Mississippi, real estate lawyer can help you with these matters and ensure that a transaction goes smoothly.

Berry Law Firm Can Assist You With Real Estate Matters

Leigh Berry has been working in law since 1987. She brings the same kind of attention and quality that you’d expect in an urban attorney to Marion County and its surrounding areas. With plenty of experience and an eye for details, Ms. Berry can assist you with your Columbia, Mississippi, real estate matter.

What Does a Marion County Real Estate Lawyer Do?

Real estate seems like it should be simple. You tour a piece of property, see that it’s something you would be interested in, negotiate with the owner, and then sign the agreement. In many cases, it is a simple process. However, things may not always be so easy, and when you’re dealing with legal complexities and an agonizingly long process, a Columbia real estate attorney can help.

Property Purchases and Closings

People buy and sell property daily in Mississippi. Often, these processes move smoothly, and both sides are happy. Other times, though, the process gets messy, and the other side suddenly introduces some new terms that you aren’t happy with. When there are disputes about the contract, a real estate attorney can negotiate solutions or represent your interests in court.

Real estate attorneys understand property values and what makes an agreeable contract between the two parties. Your attorney can work with the other party to negotiate the terms, read over the presented deal, and give you an honest opinion on its fairness. Even if you use a real estate attorney as a consultant, they can be a vital source of guidance during the purchasing process.


Refinancing is a popular option for homeowners when trying to save money on their mortgage. There’s nothing wrong with refinancing, but too many people rush into it and put themselves at risk in the process.

Before refinancing, you should speak with a Columbia real estate attorney so they can look over your situation and give you an appraisal. Your attorney can explain if refinancing is right for you or if a better option is available. Hasty and poorly thought-out refinancing can lead to you putting your title in jeopardy.


Anyone who owns real estate has considered adding to the land and developing a new building. Before you make any plans about development, you should speak with an attorney to ensure that everything is legal and proper.

You will likely need a building permit for whatever you plan to develop on the property, and your attorney can guide you to the proper forms. They can also explain any zoning issues you may have with your desired project. Even in rural areas like Marion County, the government has properties zoned and has regulations on what you can and can’t build on them. Your attorney can help you request rezoning, if possible, for your project.


A real estate attorney can assist you when you plan to lease out your property or if you’re a company looking to move into an office building. You can ask an attorney to draft the legal documents and help protect you from any loopholes or unforeseen circumstances.

Real Estate Litigation

After finalizing your agreement to buy or sell property, there are still opportunities for things to go awry. In many cases, you may need to hire an attorney to help with a dispute with the other party.

Disputes often arise out of a breach of contract from one party. If the other side is not holding up their end of the contract, you should speak with an attorney to help you settle the matter. In other circumstances, you may have a dispute with a neighbor about the boundary of the property. A Columbia, Mississippi, real estate lawyer can assist you with these disputes and help settle any issues.

How Much Does a Columbia, Mississippi, Real Estate Lawyer Cost?

Real estate attorneys typically charge around $300 per hour in Columbia, Mississippi. The total cost to the client will depend greatly on what service they need. Simple cases where an attorney needs to look over a few documents won’t cost too much for a client. Extensive legal work, like real estate litigation, may end up with plenty of hours for an attorney.

Is Mississippi an Attorney-Closing State?

Mississippi is one of many states in the union that are attorney-closing for real estate. Attorney-closing means that you need an attorney physically present when taking care of any real estate matters related to buying, selling, or refinancing. Anyone not in compliance is committing the unauthorized practice of law.

These laws have existed since the early days of the country, and the state uses them to protect people with little legal knowledge from making bad real estate deals.

Do I Need a Marion County Real Estate Lawyer?

Since Mississippi is an attorney-closing state, you will need to at least have an attorney present when closing a real estate deal. The services of a Marion County real estate lawyer go beyond just signing off on a property deal.

You can hire a Columbia real estate attorney to examine any documents during an exchange of land. Your attorney can even help you draft any documents that you need for the exchange.

When real estate litigation begins, you will want an attorney on your side. The other party will likely take on legal counsel, so you need to counter with a real estate attorney who can advocate for you in front of a judge if the situation comes to it.

Berry Law Firm: Experienced Columbia Real Estate Attorney

Working through the oftentimes-Byzantine real estate legal system is never easy, especially if you have no formal training. Berry Law Firm can assist you with your Columbia real estate matters, whether it is refinancing, litigation, or just closing a deal. Contact us today and tell us about your case and see the services we can provide.

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